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Avoiding Bankruptcy

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This section of website provides information about the legal processes and issues involved in a person seeking to avoid bankruptcy both from the point of view of individuals in financial difficulty and creditors seeking to recover money due to them.

For people in financial difficulty

This section provides information about how a person in financial difficulty can attempt to set aside or challenge a bankruptcy petition.  These are challenges made before the court and we explain how the court deals with them.

For creditors

Applications to set aside a statutory demand are frequently made to court and debtors often challenge the petition when the bankruptcy hearing takes place. We explain how the court deals with these cases and what decisions it can make.

We hope you will find this information helpful but please remember that it is not legal advice and you must not rely upon it for any particular course of action.

For more information proceed to Alternatives to bankruptcy

For more information, please contact our team of experts by emailing insolvency@bankruptcy-solicitors.com or call 020 8308 3610 today.